It is definitely possible to travel with 100 US dollars!
It depends on where you come from. If you book your ticket as early as 1 year before the flight, you will probably get an extremely low price for the ticket. AirAsia is an option to save our money. At AirAsia, a flight from London to Bali is available as low as 20 US dollars! But if AirAsia is unavailable at your country, the ticket might cost a fortune. You may need to pay thousand dollars if you come from USA.
It depends on where you come from. If you book your ticket as early as 1 year before the flight, you will probably get an extremely low price for the ticket. AirAsia is an option to save our money. At AirAsia, a flight from London to Bali is available as low as 20 US dollars! But if AirAsia is unavailable at your country, the ticket might cost a fortune. You may need to pay thousand dollars if you come from USA.
Once you manage to book your flight ticket at AirAsia, you have saved quite a lot of money. As low as 40 US dollars, you will be enjoy 4 days package tour at Bali . The expenses at Bali can be very low. It depends on what types of activity you prefer.
Singapore will cost you more. The expenses at Singapore are more expensive. No matter how you are going to save your money, you will spend more. The ticket of Universal Studio Singapore is around 68 Singapore dollars per adult. With 20 Singapore dollars, you can enter the Marina Bay Sands Skypark. Besides, you can also take the package but it is a lot more expensive.
Traveling at Malaysia, you are given plenty of ways to spend your money. It is definitely the cheapest if compared to Bali and Singapore. Nevertheless, there are some luxurious attractions too. Since Malaysia has the most diverse habitats which are tropical rain forest and coral, I will suggest to go those attractions. If you wish to shop at Malaysia, you can choose to go Kuala Lumpur.